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Fenric (11/25/2009)
 Team Fenric's choice for luxury hotelery....  Whaaat! No queen size bed. Just a hammock hhmmmmmm....... mind you, look whats in.......... Mines a Guinness biggles
FSFlyingSchool Training Captain
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Last Login: Thursday, September 23, 2010 9:11:34 AM
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The Team agreed, that landing didn't feel right and we should quicken our pace in order to not get rusty. On the "who'd thunk that" side, we ran into a local pilot back on Lizard Island after our big Thanksgiving blowout. Seems he had recently installed a G1000 glass cockpit in his Skyhawk, only to find out that it didn't support ADF radio that well. And as we've all learned up in this neck of the woods, VORs are sparce. So he was quite dissatisfied all around. It wound up that for consideration of whatever beer we had left, we ended up swapping panels. He swore that he was a "AAA-certified mechanic" and we took that to mean Austrialian Avation Administration, so we feel it's all on the up-and-up.  Of course Smitty kept fiddling with the right-seat dials on the flight over to Lockhart, trying to pick up "Nine Network" or something like that. 
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- FS2 v3.0 w/172 Detail - FSX SP2 - CH yoke & pedals - GoFlight / Saitek / MPanel - TrackIR 3 w/VE
- i7-920 airclocked to 166, Vista 64 Prem, GTX 260, 9GB 1300 DRAM, 1TB OS / 200GB s/s FSX drive
FSFlyingSchool Training Captain
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Last Login: Monday, January 17, 2011 6:45:44 AM
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Fenric (11/28/2009)
The Team agreed, that landing didn't feel right and we should quicken our pace in order to not get rusty. On the "who'd thunk that" side, we ran into a local pilot back on Lizard Island after our big Thanksgiving blowout. Seems he had recently installed a G1000 glass cockpit in his Skyhawk, only to find out that it didn't support ADF radio that well. And as we've all learned up in this neck of the woods, VORs are sparce. So he was quite dissatisfied all around. It wound up that for consideration of whatever beer we had left, we ended up swapping panels. He swore that he was a "AAA-certified mechanic" and we took that to mean Austrialian Avation Administration, so we feel it's all on the up-and-up.  Of course Smitty kept fiddling with the right-seat dials on the flight over to Lockhart, trying to pick up "Nine Network" or something like that.  I have just had a quick peruse of the Australian Aviation Almanac 1962 edition (the latest version available) & can find no reference to AAA in relation to aviation + mechanics There is however a phone number for the AAA in case your car breaks down    Boogles
FSFlyingSchool Training Captain
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Last Login: Thursday, September 23, 2010 9:11:34 AM
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Sorry for the slackness of late. Had some sort of non-flu-ish blah, and needed to focus on work. Now with the weekend approaching, time to play a little. Hope to wrap things up with this phase before the start of next week. Lovely little area, Weipa - too bad that now Team Fenric's here, cyclones are sure to follow.... Watch out for the aggressive croc....
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- FS2 v3.0 w/172 Detail - FSX SP2 - CH yoke & pedals - GoFlight / Saitek / MPanel - TrackIR 3 w/VE
- i7-920 airclocked to 166, Vista 64 Prem, GTX 260, 9GB 1300 DRAM, 1TB OS / 200GB s/s FSX drive
FSFlyingSchool Training Captain
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Last Login: Thursday, September 23, 2010 9:11:34 AM
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Here on lovely Horn Island, Team Fenric are camping one final night before the final few legs of Phase I. Smitty's in a right melancholy mood; I can tell there's an awful lot more that he wants to assist with, but he's sworn to keep everything on the straight and narrow until we finish. Caught him and the missus discussing financing, depreciation and insurance and that they want "the package to arrive before us, in Daru." I hope they're not out to hire a hit man.  "I work so I can pay bills." Repeat ad nauseam. -- Fenric
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- FS2 v3.0 w/172 Detail - FSX SP2 - CH yoke & pedals - GoFlight / Saitek / MPanel - TrackIR 3 w/VE
- i7-920 airclocked to 166, Vista 64 Prem, GTX 260, 9GB 1300 DRAM, 1TB OS / 200GB s/s FSX drive
FSFlyingSchool Training Captain
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Last Login: Monday, January 17, 2011 6:45:44 AM
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Hi Fenric I know the horse is not past the post yet but I think I had better pass your name on to the stone mason  Biggles
FSFlyingSchool Training Captain
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Last Login: Thursday, September 23, 2010 9:11:34 AM
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Well we've finally dragged ourselves across the finish line for Phase 1 of the tour. Flying-wise it was an uneventful morning. We said goodbye to all the pretty scenery.... 
We headed over to Yarn Island... that notch on the left side reminds me of something... 
OMGZ! It's the Genesis Effect from Star Trek II....  Luckily we made nonILS landing files before starting out today, so we managed to land on the single possible approach to Yarn. 
Yikes! Talk about your sidesteps.... Then it was another skip over to Daru where something-s await Team Fenric. It's a feeling in my bones... and of course it could be the phone call that the missus took from her mother this am. What possible good can come from the overheard phrase, "It's time for a change - for both of us." 
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- FS2 v3.0 w/172 Detail - FSX SP2 - CH yoke & pedals - GoFlight / Saitek / MPanel - TrackIR 3 w/VE
- i7-920 airclocked to 166, Vista 64 Prem, GTX 260, 9GB 1300 DRAM, 1TB OS / 200GB s/s FSX drive
FSFlyingSchool Training Captain
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.Well congraulations Sir. You've completed Phase 1 of the Sydney to Singapore Tour in style. Hope you enjoyed the scenery & are looking forward to the "desert wastlands" of Indonesia  
I'm currently having fun dodging the gulls, or are they terradactyls. Some of these bush strips are more bush than strip. I picked up hitch hiker enroute, her name is Helga! 

The cobber here at Toby's Yard laid on a barbie. Food not too bad, as long as you like croc with red sauce or roadkill with red sauce---everything comes with red sauce  Biggles PS: Nice flying scores you got there!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B####rd
FSFlyingSchool Training Captain
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Last Login: Thursday, September 23, 2010 9:11:34 AM
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And so it begins... again.... Greetings from Wai Oti - sure glad we spotted the edge of runway 5 at the BOTTOM OF A MOUNTAIN when we made our flight plan. What would that require, a glideslope of 7? Still, Team Fenric is glad to see that the Indo-Antipodael habit of putting TREES at the ENDS of RUNWAYS is alive and well. Happy New Year Everybody! Back to your regularly scheduled shouting.... 
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- FS2 v3.0 w/172 Detail - FSX SP2 - CH yoke & pedals - GoFlight / Saitek / MPanel - TrackIR 3 w/VE
- i7-920 airclocked to 166, Vista 64 Prem, GTX 260, 9GB 1300 DRAM, 1TB OS / 200GB s/s FSX drive
FSFlyingSchool Training Captain
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Last Login: Monday, January 17, 2011 6:45:44 AM
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..and same to you F. I see the trees have not spoilt your scores [damn] when you refuel at H Hasan Aroeboesman ask for Ali, he will give you a special deal [thinks---a very special deal----sugar in the gas?] Watch out for th hills, they have eyes!  Biggles .