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VFAA SUMIT MONDAY 6 TH JULY 2009 Dear Sir i would first of all like to APOLAGIES FOR ABSENTS. I am afraid that i have a further appointment on that day and to be honest if it gets past 8 pm then i have problems finding my way around. This is due to no fault of my own as the supermarkets in st helens do not have an ILS approach only vfr.Infact i would like to request that the vfaa install the equipment as soon as possible. I would like to thank biggles legal team for there help and would like to pleade insanity only as a last option. As you can see i am an exellent pilot with a good track record and have only crashed 4 times this week and my time keeping is second to none well maybe fourth. I await your decision captain joseph
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Oh crap. Word on the street: I heard the honorable Judge JoeMini will be hearing the case. He's one tough bastard when it comes to sentencing. My recommendation is to get a killer attorney team assembled soon. Regards, JoeMini (Dang is this the same guy as the Judge?)
Joe MiniPresident/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. "If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"
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Dateline Tuesday: Scene: Honorable Joe Mini takes his seat in the St. Helen's District Courthouse. As usual, before sitting...he belches and farts. The smell clears the room. A few minutes later, the crowd reassembles. "Hear ye...Hear ye....Case Number 127877.....Joseph vs VFAA is now ready for arguments." Judge Mini: Is the team for Joseph ready to present their case? All arguments will be heard up until Monday. Anybody seen my gavel and Margarita? Please proceed....
Joe MiniPresident/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. "If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"
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M J Fothering Smythe Snr are closed on Mondays so they have applied for a postponment to the date of the hearing and are currently awaiting a reply from the High Court Biggles 
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Bruce E (7/5/2009)
M J Fothering Smythe Snr are closed on Mondays sothey have applied for a postponmentto the date of the hearingand are currently awaiting a reply from the High Court
A continuance has been granted the defendant. Case will proceed tuesday at 22.30 GMT+1.
Ole Andreasen, Denmark
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Joseph. How is it going with your TrackIR? Still enjoying it?
Ole Andreasen, Denmark
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Hi Joseph, Biggles here, Glad you enjoyed the bad wx. I'm enjoying a glass of Guinness under the stars at the Blackpoint Ramada, or what passes for it. The wx here is great  
you will definately need some factor 32 Biggles
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Hi Bruce, real windy here. Am gona fix me tent up , looked for a hotel but purto rico hotels not up to scratch. Hope wx gets better for tommorows take off. Am a bit worried about smithy not got back yet, last a seen he was looking for a bar. Am gona get me head down now hope he doesnt get lost our will have to leave without him. Joseph
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sorry ole, didnt see you post. Yes its bloody brilliant best add on i ever buy. Joseph