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Great to see that youre underway.... a
Ole Andreasen, Denmark
FSFlyingSchool Captain
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Thanks Ole, its good to be back hope this tour not to many zeros. joseph
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Hi Joseph.
Good to hear that you are getting a TrackIR 4. That is one great device. I love mine. in VC some of the buttons and switches are hidden behind the yoke, but with the TrackIR you can juse lean over the yoke and then see/use the switches.
And when banking its so cool to look out the sidewindow and look down. You are going to like that, Im sure. Let me know your experiences with it...
Ole Andreasen, Denmark
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Hi Ole, and the rest of ya My first flight with tracker 4. Am amazed . I started to install when i got back from work 3 pm. After install i thought what a load of rubbish this is. Now that i have got it running its bloody brilliant I just done my best landing score leg 11. 96.95 for the tour. Hey guys anyone who hasnt got one of these tracker 4 gismos get one, i got mine from just flight £119.99 with the pro track clip just go get one dont eat for a week if you cant afford it just do it its brilliant. by the way its now 11 46 pm 8 hours dam Joseph
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Dont drink and fly? Hm... I have to consider reporting to you the VFAA.
Ole Andreasen, Denmark
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Practice Practice Practice  plus No alcohol 8 hoiurs bottle to throttle  Who has hidden CPX. Beware the mirage. Runway 31 has gone walkabout  Biggles
FSFlyingSchool Captain
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OFFICIAL STATEMENT FLYING CAPTAIN JOSEPH DATED 28/6/09 The drink was for pure madicinal purposes after a bad headake caused by lack of alcohol and altitude sickness and cheap promotion at the supermarket caused by politicians making a total cock up of the british economy. Therfore i shall be making no other coment about this incident at this stage. Any other enquires i shall forward to my legal team who will be incontact with the above mentioned just as soon as they can. regards joseph
FSFlyingSchool Training Captain
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JOSEPH767UK (6/28/2009)
OFFICIAL STATEMENT FLYING CAPTAIN JOSEPH DATED 28/6/09 The drink was for pure madicinal purposes after a bad headake caused by lack of alcohol and altitude sickness and cheap promotion at the supermarket caused by politicians making a total cock up of the british economy. Therfore i shall be making no other coment about this incident at this stage. Any other enquires i shall forward to my legal team who will be incontact with the above mentioned just as soon as they can. regards joseph Statement from Biggles legal advisers "My client pleads insanity" M J Fothering Smythe Snr
FSFlyingSchool Training Captain
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Bruce E (6/29/2009)
DATED 28/6/09
The drink was for pure madicinal purposes after a bad headake caused by lack of alcohol and altitude sickness and cheap promotion at the supermarket caused by politicians making a total cock up of the british economy. Therfore i shall be making no other comentabout this incident at this stage. Any other enquires i shall forward to my legal team who will be incontact with the above mentioned just as soon as they can.
Statement from Biggles legal advisers
"My client pleads insanity"
M J Fothering Smythe Snr
Things are getting worse and worse Joseph. I happen to know that the VFAA will hold a summit on monday, with one thing on the agenda only - the question of weather or not to revoke your Pilot license.
Drinking and flying - and now insanity..... Im afraid that it dosent look good for you Joseph. Please post whatever you have that could be beneficial for your case - before monday.
Ole Andreasen, Denmark