WWT II Oles flightlog and crazy stories

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WWT II Oles flightlog and crazy stories Expand / Collapse
Posted Wednesday, July 06, 2011 3:39:55 AM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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OK Leg nine - Vienna to Prague. Yet another of those sub 200 NM flights. The Comet is probably an overkill for this flight, but still my choice of aircraft.

Good thing about airports are all the cool aircraft you can see.                                                                 Look below Mitch, the yellow one. I want that.
Look out your side window Mitch. See the river? Cool huh?                                                                      Comet to B747 above. Can you please take a shot of us and the river below? Thank - mail it to me please. Great.
I know Mitch, I know. I shold have chosen a go-around, instead of trying to pull it in.                                    Another disaster, but at least we salvaged the aircraft. Would be a shame to lose a Comet.

Oh this is so bad. Joe is doing amazing scores, and I keep F****** it up. Here is a bottle of Glenlivet Mitch, and then the scores if you please

WWTII - Ole piloting JF_DH_Comet4cC ended Tuesday, July 05, 2011 at 20:50
FSFlyingSchool 2011 (1st July 2011)
Using: FSX
Visibility: 62.14 Miles     Wind: 0 Knots

Aircraft: DEHAVILLAND ID: G-BDIX Airline: DanAir Flight: 109
Flight plan: LOWW TO LKPR Prague:Ruzyne NAV1: PR
Failure(s): None at landing
Failure Event(s) (Zulu Time): None
Failure Bonus:0% Flight Duration:00 Hours 43 Mins 18 Secs

Landing Score:32.95 (sigh.....)

Landing included the following problems:

  • Poor glideslope on ILS approach - you can do better. [30%]
  • Poor alignment with runway on ILS approach - line up and stay there. [40%]
  • Wings not level - danger of clipping the ground or damaging your gear.
  • Not near the centre line - you can do better.

Definite room for improvement...

Flight Score:135.09 (at least this was fair... Thanks for being fair Mitch)

Flight included the following problems:

  • Steep banking - save your aerobatic flying for some other time.
  • Wings not level near ground - danger of clipping a wing.
  • Rapid descent - dangerous and uncomfortable.

Definite room for improvement...

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #8934
Posted Wednesday, July 06, 2011 10:09:52 AM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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Do not lose the faith my fellow competitor.....it is early in the grand scheme of things!

Suggest ACME aircraft services used by Wile. E. Coyote for your aircraft repairs....hee hee

Joe Mini

President/CEO/Chief Pilot for Joe Mini World Wide Tours, LLC. 
"If we get you to your destination in one piece, it's a miracle"  

Post #8935
Posted Wednesday, July 06, 2011 1:57:35 PM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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JoeMini (7/6/2011)
Do not lose the faith my fellow competitor.....it is early in the grand scheme of things!

Suggest ACME aircraft services used by Wile. E. Coyote for your aircraft repairs....hee hee

Lose faith? Not an option at all. Not even in my vocabulary. I just did flight 10 and that was - better.

Today - no flights anymore. I just found out the problem with my low framerates. My cooler was loose, and now the coolingpaste is hardened, so tomorrow is for replacing the coolingpaste, and reattaching the cooler, and then Im set to go high frames again... so - as they said in the add for the original 1978 movie "Alien": Be afraid - be very afraid.

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #8936
Posted Wednesday, July 06, 2011 11:59:35 PM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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Leg 10. Prague to Warzaw...

Joe is flying Boeing 747´s already, but I don´t. After my not-so-good flights, I am reluctant to use the ace card, yet. Time will come, but in a while. For now, I take a deep breath, and step into the Boeing 737 again. I gotta get me some triple scores in that one. So to Warsaw in the 737. No way around it.

See Mitch. Twin CSA planes. Prolly CIA in disguise. They are always looking over my shoulder...              I know, another take-off pic But I only wanted to show how busy an airport we just left.

And after a long boring flight, or uneventful flight that is, we are ON track                                         Missed the centerline by a nosehair. All is well.

See Joe, a gigant tee with a gray golfbold on top - and one more in the making, to the right.               GET AWAY you big dorfs, Taxispace A11 is MINE.

Mitch... Admit it. This was more like it. I know, still not up to standard, but hey... gotta be triple digits on both. GOTTA!

WWTII - Ole piloting Boeing 737-800 Paint2 ended Wednesday, July 06, 2011 at 17:01
FSFlyingSchool 2011 (1st July 2011)
Using: FSX
Visibility: 62.14 Miles     Wind: 0 Knots

Aircraft: BOEING ID: N737X Airline: World Travel Flight: 
Flight plan: LKPR TO EPWA Warsaw:Okecie NAV1: WAS
Failure(s): None at landing
Failure Event(s) (Zulu Time): None
Failure Bonus:0% Flight Duration:01 Hours 31 Mins 29 Secs

Landing Score:105.25 (Now why am I not satisfied? More wants more - thanks anyway Mitch )

Landing included the following problems:

  • Poor glideslope on ILS approach - you can do better. [30%]

Flight Score:144.13 (Thank you again. This will help some on the average...)

Flight included the following problems:

  • Rapid descent - dangerous and uncomfortable.

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #8939
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