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THE END IS NIGH! Expand / Collapse
Posted Thursday, January 21, 2010 10:39:27 AM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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Group: Forum Members
Last Login: Monday, January 17, 2011 6:45:44 AM
Posts: 649, Visits: 2,260
.My fellow tourists

The end of the Sweet & Sour tour is in sight.

Hopefully it will go out with a bang & not a splutter

So if you have any unposted scores you know what to do.

If you have any flying difficulties post them here so I can amend the number of seats at the Tour End Banquet at  Bedok Corner Deli.


Post #6698
Posted Thursday, January 21, 2010 10:59:25 PM
FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

FSFlyingSchool Training CaptainFSFlyingSchool Training CaptainFSFlyingSchool Training CaptainFSFlyingSchool Training CaptainFSFlyingSchool Training CaptainFSFlyingSchool Training CaptainFSFlyingSchool Training CaptainFSFlyingSchool Training Captain

Group: Forum Members
Last Login: Thursday, September 23, 2010 9:11:34 AM
Posts: 168, Visits: 220
Looks like Team Fenric's going to have some busy weekends ahead.  Can't let that blighter Biggles have all the fun and the tropical punch.


FS2 v3.0 w/172 Detail - FSX SP2 - CH yoke & pedals - GoFlight / Saitek / MPanel - TrackIR 3 w/VE
i7-920 airclocked to 166, Vista 64 Prem, GTX 260, 9GB 1300 DRAM, 1TB OS / 200GB s/s FSX drive


Post #6703
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