S&S Tour. Biggles Score Card

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S&S Tour. Biggles Score Card Expand / Collapse
Posted Friday, October 23, 2009 9:05:13 AM

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. Scene: Maroochydore on the Sunshine Coast.

"No H. I do not want to speak to anyone" screams Biggles.  "I fail to see why Kev should think it funny to  spray Mace in the cockpit just as we were coming into land""We could have crashed and another thing H. Why you should give me a zero for that spectacular landing in such trying conditions beats me."

"I'm stopping here, out of the way and will NOT be giving my usual interviews today, to anyone" Biggles settles back in the workmans pickup hoping that nobody will recognise him .  "Oohhh dilligaf, just wait til I get my hands on Kevin Bl###y Wilson." 

"Just wait"

Post #5503
Posted Friday, October 23, 2009 9:16:06 AM

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....Saturday October 24:  Well Kev has managed to find a case of ice cold Guinness so I suppose one must forgive the poor misguided soul. Also, he has secured front row seats in the bar to watch Tampa Bay Bucaneers play The Patriots at Wembley, London, tomorrow evening. He says that if we are to support Tampa we have to wear brown paper bags over our heads so no one will recognise us, sounds strange to me but apparently that is the custom when supporting teams that haven't won a game all season. Gosh, perhaps they will win!!!!

Post #5504
Posted Saturday, October 24, 2009 1:56:10 AM

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Go Bucs Kick *** (for a change:w00t


Post #5513
Posted Wednesday, October 28, 2009 2:44:51 PM

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Hi All

I have just about recovered from the mother of all hangovers after watching the slaughter of Tampa Bay Buccs at the hands of the 3 times NFL champs the Patriots. Score 35 : 7

On the plus side, the Shack where we watched the game turned out to be a Aussie Pie outlet run by Kev's mate's brother and all the pies were free. If you've never tasted Roo & KIdney pie you've missed a treat.

Anyway back to the game. I took some pics from the TV screen which turned out quite well.

In spite of being a lousy team the Buccs Cheerleaders were something else

Sorry guys, but believe it or not I can't upload the pic of the cheerleaders due to "an unexpected error". Must be a Patriots fan.

I'll check it out again tomorrow, unless Henrietta deletes all the pics on my memory stick


Post #5582
Posted Friday, October 30, 2009 6:25:18 AM

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As you can see the Patriots fans go to any length to support their team. me , well I supported the loosing side. Why? Silly boy-----just look at the cheerleaders

Not to sure whether he was at the right game. Apparently he thought that Celtic were playing.

 As usual the spectacle won and I shall be there next year -- whoevers playing!

Post #5603
Posted Saturday, October 31, 2009 8:36:57 AM

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The ghouls come out to plaaaay tonight!


"H. put the lights back on AT ONCE!" screamed Biggles   "It's not that I'm afraid of the dark you understand," Biggles said not too convincingly "I just don't want you to trip over anything & hurt yourself"


"Felix, is that you??"

"Ooohhh no       Hellppp"

Post #5617
Posted Sunday, November 08, 2009 4:45:36 AM

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Post #5736
Posted Tuesday, November 10, 2009 8:34:10 AM

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.Went to a party last night with Kev, my trusty Aussie navigator & all round bludger

As you can see it was a pre Christmas bash in the bush

I was none to pleased as we had an early start in the morning & Kev was in no fit state to navigate anything, let alone an a/c.

Still I must admit he was quite good just sitting on the floor at Henrietta's feet quietly? snoring.

Of course the belching & f###ing that comes with the pressure change as we climbed to get over the Pingo Mountain range was another matter.

Biggles ready to roll, rolling                                              But for the snoring the moon would be quite a beatiful sight "Shutup Henrietta, I can't hear myself think!"

Zzzzz ZZzzz ZZZzz


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Post #5743
Posted Monday, November 16, 2009 10:45:00 AM

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..Q.  Where are we?   Answer............................................................................................................. Prize for the best three answers.


Burt: Do you think anybody is out there?

Fred: Naahhh

Burt: You could be right there sport.

 Snitch: I agree woof bleeding temporary Aussies!

Post #5834
Posted Tuesday, November 17, 2009 10:28:35 AM

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..As I leave Oz, I leave you with a few pics to remember it by.

                                                            As Mc Somebody once said I shal be back, Biggles

Post #5840
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