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Posted Saturday, September 26, 2009 3:07:08 AM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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Last Login: Monday, January 17, 2011 6:45:44 AM
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G'day, Biggles here,

As you can see I have been practicing my linguistic skills for when we go down under

For any of you intrepid aviators who might wish to have the S&S Tour Flight Plan depicted on Google Earth I have after many hours finally finished plotting the route. Actually I cannot tell a lie, my trusty mechanic Ginger knocked it up for me last night

One slight problem my fellow competitors I don't seem to be able to add the file to this post. Soooo....if you want it I'll need you email address.

It is not essential to the tour, but the natives might be able to help you out if should you land somewhere mid leg, so to speak, if you show them a nice colourful map.

My trusty stead has nearly completed it's major overhaul and will then be repainted in preparation for the S&S Tour

Geewhizz I've missed the old girl. She smells of oil/avgas and last nights curry, but she's mine     Ah, ummm------ the same applies to you too H.

Don't forget the malaria tablets


Post #5135
Posted Saturday, September 26, 2009 3:59:46 AM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

FSFlyingSchool Training CaptainFSFlyingSchool Training CaptainFSFlyingSchool Training CaptainFSFlyingSchool Training CaptainFSFlyingSchool Training CaptainFSFlyingSchool Training CaptainFSFlyingSchool Training CaptainFSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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Last Login: Tuesday, December 20, 2022 2:42:12 PM
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Bruce E (9/26/2009)
G'day, Biggles here,

As you can see I have been practicing my linguistic skills for when we go down under

For any of you intrepid aviators who might wish to have the S&S Tour Flight Plan depicted on Google Earth I have after many hours finally finished plotting the route. Actually I cannot tell a lie, my trusty mechanic Gingerknocked it up for me last night

One slight problem my fellow competitors I don't seem to be able to add the file to this post. Soooo....if you want it I'll need you email address.

It isnot essential to the tour, but the natives might be able to help you out if should you land somewhere mid leg, so to speak, if youshow thema nice colourful map.

My trusty steadhas nearly completed it's major overhaul and will then be repainted in preparation for the S&S Tour

Geewhizz I've missed the old girl. She smells of oil/avgas and last nights curry, but she's mine Ah, ummm------the same applies to you too H.

Don't forget the malaria tablets


G´day mate (as you see I too have been studying the manners in the land of Mad Max, Mick Dundee and all the others.

Now Biggles if you want to attach the files to a post, you can wrap them up in a .zip file, as I see below that .zip files are allowed, and then just attach the .zip file to the post.

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

Post #5138
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