saitek yoke. help

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saitek yoke. help Expand / Collapse
Posted Saturday, September 19, 2009 6:16:48 AM

FSFlyingSchool Training Captain

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Last Login: Tuesday, December 20, 2022 2:42:12 PM
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JOSEPH767UK (9/19/2009)
My freinds thanks again,

ok i have found a answer.I have now connected a sidewinder joystick have only mapedthe twist and button 2 center, 3 and 4 for trimfor the rudder. I have turned auto rudder off and now not only can i taxi and take off i am getting rudder control when in flight and it is brilliant. When flying with something like a 40 degree bank i am getting the affect of rudder control. Ole you are right i need to get pedals and when i can i will do so.

Thanks again


Fantastic. Great.

Pedals will be a tad less "bøvlet" (a danish word for.... messy, or something like that)

Full speed ahead Joseph and kick some...

Ole Andreasen, Denmark

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